Frequently Asked Questions
How does Virtuoso recommend managing time zones and scheduling?
Time zone calculators are a helpful tool for managing scheduling.
What is the Pop-Ups format?
Pop-Ups are live virtual events hosted on Zoom.
When can I expect to receive a Zoom link?
Virtuoso Events sends personalized Zoom links via email 2-3 days before the event. Please block the event time on your calendar and add your Zoom link to the invite.
Ready to join? Grab your Zoom invite and follow these steps:
1. Click the join link in the email.
2. Wait in the Waiting Room. The "doors will open" 5 minutes prior to the start time.
3. We ask that you keep your microphone MUTED during the session
Need technical assistance?
For assistance prior to the live session, reach out to
For assistance during the live session, use Zoom's private chat to message "Tech Support".